
Social Selling


Release Train 5/21/24

Release Train 5/21/2024
Want to stay up to date on all the latest features and improvements we're making to help your business grow? Check out our Release Train to help you get a quick look at important features you don't want to miss! Explore features below.
What Changed:
  • A new feature called, CommentChat, has been added to the navigation menu in CS Admin Dashboard. With CommentChat, you can automate responses to comments on your Instagram posts and Reels.
Why We Love It:
  • You select up to three keywords customers can comment in the post comments section.
  • Those keywords will trigger an automatic public reply to the customer comment and will send the customer a DM with a link.
  • You customize the public replies and DM and you choose the product link sent to the customer.
Where to Find It:
  • CS Admin > CommentChat
Learn more about CommentChat here.
Insights: Shipping
What Changed:
  • A new Insights dashboard has been created for Shipping.
Why We Love It:
  • The Shipping Insights dashboard summarizes shipping and shipping label information, such as total costs, average price per label, and package sizes. This information helps you better visualize your total spend and can be used when making purchasing decisions regarding packaging supplies.
Where to Find It:
  • CS Admin > Insights > Shipping
Learn more about Shipping Insights here.