Kathleen Montigny
From A member of the customer growth team as a possible temp fix -
If customers have been blocked already on the account level then I'm betting those trolls are signing in with Apple. I just helped a shop with this last week. Apple will let users obfuscate their email address and name.
I suggested having a helper keep the last page on the customer table open during the next few lives and block those alias' accounts as they come in. CS is matching on names but not linking that account to the blocked token for some reason.
Colleen Menning
I had a troll on last week that was fat shaming everyone and they were EXTREMELY cruel. They also KNEW they could not be blocked so they just fed off the fact that there was nothing we could do. PLEASE make this a priority feature.
Lindsey Schocke
in progress
Kristina Cosio
Please make this an option and quickly. The men that have been on these lives and the things they say are horrible. I have had to stop 2 of my live shows out of the 5 I have done because they realized I cant block them.